Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Swinger's Ball: The social (dance) event of the year

If there is one thing you could say about Chicago's annual Swinger's Ball, it's that it definitely brings out the dancers-

-complete with sparkly dresses, tails and top hats!

Chicago's biggest one-night dance event of the year brought out not only many familiar faces in the Chicago swing scene, but out-of-towners and members of the community as well, to the Willowbrook Ballroom last Saturday night. Adding to the inherent excitement of the event was the all-out elegant attire that seemed to heighten the energy in the room and serve as the perfect conversation starter (how many compliments on beautiful gowns or slick tuxes would you guess were thrown out there that night?)

The event brought out so many from the local and surrounding swing scenes, in fact, that there was really hardly time to get out there and dance! One barely had enough time to make it around the room, chatting with friends and acquaintances, before the early hour of 1 am rolled around. The event surprisingly seemed to serve not just as a dance, but a great excuse to look great and socialize with the swing scene. Dancing was just an added bonus... was the Lindy Hop showcase competition. As Chicago dancers have few opportunities to compete in their town, the showcase gave them an opportunity to prepare and show off their stuff. Orlando Cabalona and Kerry Romack, coached by the Galaxie's Nicolle Wood, came away with the winnings with their snazzy routine reminiscent of the Nicholas Brothers.

So by the time you grabbed a drink at the bar, greeted some familiar faces, chatted with some friends, caught up with dancers you hadn't seen in a while, walked around for a bit just to show off your incredible outfit and hairdo, passed dozens of compliments back and forth, cheered on your friends in the competition, and chatted some more with the friends you didn't find until 3 hours into the event-

When was the dancin' time??

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